I found this on the MSNBC website.
"ATLANTA - The head of the Cartoon Network resigned Friday following a marketing stunt that caused a terrorism scare in Boston and led police to shut down bridges and send in the bomb squad.
The announcement of Jim Samples’ resignation came in an internal memo to Cartoon Network staff members.
“It’s my hope that my decision allows us to put this chapter behind us and get back to our mission of delivering unrivaled original animated entertainment for consumers of all ages,” said Samples, who was the network’s general manager and executive vice president."This is absolute bullshit. A bunch of fucking paranoid idiots stuffed with FOX NEWS reports and "expert's" opinions telling them there's terror in every corner of the city noticed some Lite-Brite boxes with a mooninite on them giving the finger placed throughout the city, and suddenly the whole place is in an uproar over "questionable packages" promoting terrorism in the United States. For the record, the vast majority of reported U.S. terrorist bombings come in the form of big planes crashing into things and people strapping bombs onto themselves. Why would they put out boxes that draw peoples' attention?
The fire chief thought this was a prank pulled by some "sick individuals". NO! Bad fire chief! Get away from that!
I really don't care who gets pissed here, because this whole story is absolute and pure bullshit. People are saying this is sick because we're already in danger from "terrorism" and this is just screwing with their heads, that's wrong. This is proof of why I'm a misanthrope. Because there are so many people--not all, by any means, but a disturbing amount nonetheless--who are so paranoid and stupid and believe everything they hear about how rampant terrorism is in the U.S. without realizing that would mean absolute ineptitude of the the FBI and CIA for letting it get so bad.
COME ON. It's a Lite-Brite. Middle-agers may not have a clue what a Mooninite is (though their sons and daughters could have easily shed some light on that), who doesn't know what a Lite-Brite is? They were big in the '70's and '80's. Use your fucking brain. And when you realize how stupid you've been, don't go blaming your ignorance on the Cartoon Network. It may not have been the best idea, but it was not "sick". It was not "promoting terrorism". It wasn't even in bad taste. The one thing American claim to be able to do better than anyone in the world is to rise up and get beyond tragedy and disaster. Ok...we're what, $4 trillion in debt? We can't find one guy who lives in the mountains, even though he keeps making videos and escaping before getting caught. News channels are still obsessed with Anna Nicole Smith, even though no one can tell us anything new. Our soldiers are still getting killed in Roadside bombings and have a hard time telling who's enemy and who's an ally. Oh, and how is New Orleans doing after that nasty little storm?
I wonder how many people in this country have Old Glory waving in one hand and agun in the other, giving sideways glances over to those middle eastern neighbors who just moved in the previous day/month/year/decade/???
So anyway, because a bunch of idiots (and let's not beat around the bush, the conclusion jumped to was purely assinine) got scared and worked themselves up over a Lite-Brite with a cartoon character, and now the head of the Cartoon Network feels compelled to step down.
Who do I get more pissed at? The morons who screamed "Terrorism!", or Jim Samples, who obviously didn't have enough balls to step up and tell people to get over it. Look at the blurbs (or whatever you call them) before commercial breaks. They tell people/places/things to go fuck themselves ALL THE TIME. If your head honcho can't do the same, then get the fuck off cable and don't bother wasting my time with faked attitude. I love the cartoons, but for the love of Doug step up and defend your own a little.
But moreso, fuck you, paranoid and terror-obsessed people, and fuck the non-cartoon horse you rode in on. If this is what being American is, I'd rather be a mooninite.