Almost Accidentally Surreal?

I know, what the hell? It looks like I mixed too much water in my paints (though I barely use any, it's acrylic). The cup, though have a solid-looking handle, doesn't look anchored to the saucer, the book is too dark and obviously NOT-straight. Maybe I could just say it was sitting in water and got warped. It'd be believable because it looks like I painted fucking water under it!
The apple DOES have a shadow (six more weeks of --what, apples?), you just can't see it for beans. Oh, and the apple looks like a tomato.
On a plus side, the I made the Pepsi in the cup look convincingly like coffee.
I think the book looks good, I think if it looked too straight, it would look fake. Book covers are never perfect, they're worn.
I like the "coffee" and you're right the apple looks like a perfectly round tomato... but if you wouldn't have told us it was an apple, I would have been happy to accept it as a tomato :)
Oh and th reason I didn't like #1 is because the flask is too small, and I didn't like #3 because you couldn't tell that the flask was a flask, it didn't look rounded enough to me... but I'd definately go with the opinion of your fellow art student, I think their eyes are a little more trustworthy!
eh, I couldn't have lived with the tomato lie. My instructor told me not to be so hard on myself, too.
The cup I don't mind toooo much, but it still looks like it's tipping away from the viewer.
The highlights on the bottom edge of the book are purely accidental. I was just trying to make it look a little frayed, and everytime I put my brush down , it went to hard and whited the whole spot. Karissa can attest to how many times she heard me say "fuck!"
#3 might work better once I get it painted (Doug-willing), it just needs a little better rendering to show its flaskiness. The hat looks kinda dumb here too, it's just postioned well. The whole comp does have a more natural placement of its objects, I think that's why others gravitated toward it.
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