Illustrative Digital Imaging

I haven't posted any assignments from this class so far, because they've all been assignments where I take a picture and make alterations to it. They're not anything really exciting. This is a poster we were supposed to do as a project spanning over 3 lessons, any theme.
I chose Sicilian Mafia bosses, without realizing how diverse this could actually be, and without realizing that some of these guys never did get pictures taken.
Background is the Sicilian flag, which I tried to unsuccessfully make look like water.
Dii Della Sicilia means "Gods of Italy", suggesting the power they had over peoples' lives, business and otherwise. There were two main provinces in which the Mafia was most influential, three more after World War II: Palermo, Trapani, Corleone, Messina, Catania. The faces I put on here are not really the first or even most well-known bosses, just the most well-known I could find. The only real significant one is Vito Cascio Ferro, from Palermo (top left, big head).
It's not a good poster. It's not bad, just not good. If you could see what my classmates had done, you'd know what I mean. Most of theirs blow mine out of the water, but then again, I'm not a big digital imaging-type. If I need any help after this class is over, I'll just beg April.
Also, I posted my thumbnail shots for my Still Life Painting homework below. The homework is a bigger project, meant for us to take more time on it than our assignments. I've decided to utilize my hat, which has already been becoming a famous subject of media, in my composition. My classmates will give their opinions on this as well, but I'd like to hear any feedback as to which of these thumbnails you prefer.
If the assignent was working with layers and practicing composition and some simple filters... then it looks good to me :) I like the idea too. Nice idea with the flag background. And you'd never have to BEG me for my help, I'd enjoy helping you out any time!
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