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Monday, August 29, 2005

The Jungle Is Dark, But Full of Diamonds...

I had a nice long post, but when I sent it, my browser stopped working, so this one's going to be a lot shorter.
Anyway, I looked through the story of Death of a Salesman, because Amber piqued my curiosity with a character she thought reminded her of Brueckner. So I took a good look at the characters, and I actually thought Brueckner more resembled Willy than Biff. Biff may have become a failure in life, but he is the only one in the end to realize how fucked up their entire family is, and how deluded his own father was. Willy, right up to the end, tried to think his sons would be a success, and that his own funeral would be huge even t with a massive turnout, failing to realize that he didn't have nearly as many friends as he thought he did (possible due to his attitude and his "pride" in his lowly position), and his death went relatively unnoticed.
I actually kind of admired Biff, because the whole time, he seems like he is trying to cut through the bullshit and just be honest about his lot in life. But, then I only read the plot summaries, I didn't read the entire play.

This weekend was interesting. We had me a graduation party, which would have been great except for our run in with a crazy alcoholic neighbor and her 4-year old son, which I'm gonna let Karissa explain. On Sunday, we went to Karissa's mom's to get Is and celebrate her sister's 16th birthday. Her sister likes CareBear stuff, so Karissa asked me about a month ago to do a CareBear picture as a present, so last week I finally got around to it. It was pretty non-stressful compared my other pictures, mostly because it's just a sketch with no charcoal, and it only took about 3-4 hours for me completely finish it.

Countdown to Art School: 3 days!


Blogger Karissa (mommy) said...

Ok I'll explain:

Drunk woman with son stops by during party. She talks about how every man in the world has beat her. Her 4 year old son is hanging out with a bunch of drunk people the entire time. Drunk lady and son eventually leave when I tell them I am going to bed and kicking everyone out (I didn't know how else to kick her out nicely). I decide to look for my camera. Notice it is missing. Tony and I go over to drunk lady's apartment. She lets us in and what a fucking surprise...drunk lady has my camera. She keeps repeating that it just "happened" to end up in her plastic bag (coincidentally it's the plastic bag Doug gave her because she asked for one). She tells me over and over how she didn't steal it and she was going to return it to me but thought I was asleep. I tell her that's fine I don't care. Tony talks to drunk lady's drunk boyfriend. He starts telling Tony about how if anyone hurts his drunk girlfriend then "boom boom". Meanwhile, drunk lady is asking me for money for a hotel room because her drunk boyfriend is a jerk. I tell her I'm poor so she says that she will just sleep with her son with the door locked in his room. We leave and I look at the camera and amazingly there's pics of drunk boyfriend and son on there. Tony has me call the cops because of the whole "boom boom" thing. Cop says they've dealt with them several times and they are harmless just alcoholics. We sit around for awhile and then everyone leaves and Doug and I went to bed. What a fun time...

6:00 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

Interesting party. Must have been exciting if you can get drunk women and her 4 year old kid to come,lol
April posted some great pics of you and the rest of your drunk freinds,Lol Looks like a good time even with the whole stolen camera thing. I'm glad that you got it back.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Janelle said...

I don't know if I would take the whole "boom boom" thing as lightly as the cops did. At least everyone is OK and you have your camera back.

10:35 PM  

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