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Sunday, March 27, 2005

More About Dead People, I Amaze Even Myself, and Our Course of Action for a Teething Baby

In case anyone hasn't noticed, I'm a horrible procrastinator. It'll take me another week or so to get up an update to the baby-drawing. I had a hell of a day Thursday. In my Human Origins class, we talked a bit about cannibalism and Neandethal (that's actually pronounced nee-AND-er-Tall) burials, which is perfect timing, because I just started reading The Buried Soul that same day, and we're still covering it all next week. Anyway, the teacher remarked how unsurprising that some of the more gruesome comments came from me, which is weird, because she's only ever seen me reading about the Body Farm, and that pretty much only scratches the surface of most of the shit I'm into. But, I nevertheless took it as a compliment.
I also spoke up in my history class, which is odd, because it's normally boring. But one guy made the mistake of saying that people corrupted the land because of their greed and desire for more. So, obviously, I had something to say in favor of greed and the stagnancy of security during prosperous times. I think I surprised the teacher.
Film class was normal, except we were learning about camera lenses, and he needed a volunteer to stand in front of the camera for a lighting experiment. I volunteered to be one of the light grips, but at the very end of class, he had me stand facing the girl that was in front of the camera to show positioning of actors for different types of dialogue. He made us move closer, closer, closer, until we were about 2-3 inches from each other's noses. Personal space was severely violated, plus I had a cold, plus when you get that close to someone, the first thing you notice is how they smell. If they smell good (thank goodness 99% of all girls seem to smell fine), that would be a comfort, but then you ask yourself, how do I smell? Then, he asked me to hunch down about 4 inches to be eye-level with her. That sucks to hold that pose for a guy whose out of shape!
Karissa's already explained all this, but we got Is ot try a feeding biscuit. She loved it, but it got really nasty after a while. She sucked on it, and choked on a little piece that came off, nearly giving Karissa a heart-attack. We eventually had to take it away because it got too nasty. We then tried to give her a sippy-cup, which she chewed on. Kind of ironic the way she approached these two new things. Then, we gave her one of those scoop stick things (Karissa will post a picture in a day or two, then you guys will know what the hell I'mm talking about) for her food. She got the general idea down, but couldn't dip it. Pretty soon she got tired of us holding the bowl and making her dip the scoop, so she took the bowl herself and banged it upside down on her tray.
We would have videotaped it, but the camera battery was dead. Everything does have to involve death with me, huh? Oh well.


Blogger Squirl said...

Hi Bro Grimm - I followed you over here from Bucky4Eyes site. Sounds like you like to read, too. I like in your profile where you call yourself an apathetic agnostic. I haven't read much of your stuff yet, but it looks interesting. From the blogs I've read it mostly looks like people who were the really bright geeks in school. Not the cheerleaders and football players. Maybe I've just been too choosy with the blogs I've chosen. If you were either of those, I apologize. Anyway, wanted to drop by and say hello.

5:11 PM  

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