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Friday, March 11, 2005

Chicago is a No-Go, Isabella Gets Charcoal, akewacinyankapiktelo (that basically means 'until I see you again')...

How does language affect the way we view the world around us? Our local culture is responible for our world view, but how does language factor in? That's what we talked about in Senior Sem. on Monday. I had to learn about the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, that states that humans and Klingons will perpetually maintain cultural barriers due to respective differences in their languages and how those languages shape their worldview.
Okay, I'm lying, but how many of you believed me because I sounded like I knew what I was talking about? The main thing I got out of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is that people are trapped by their native languages. An example: the Lakota, to me, speak like Yoda (oh god, I'm not a Star Wars fan or a Trekkie, and I just referenced both--crickets!). Non-Lakota people would say they spoke backwards grammar, but it's not backwards. It's just that people are so set in a language, they think in terms of that language. I don't agree with it, but that's why it's a hypothesis.
Anyway, as Karissa has mentioned, the Chicago trip is postponed. On the upshot, SOMEONE sounded interested and not digusted (thank you, Kevin)! Sure it'd be fun to see dead people in poses, but there's so much more to it than that, and it's pretty much a once-in-a-lifetime thing for me, so we might still go. But I think looking for a new house is a better idea right now, because we need to be able to give Is her own space.
Okay, so now I'm finally biting the bullet and trying to accomplish what I've been dreading for a long time now. I wanted to wait until the right time to draw Is, at least until she had definable features and not just "baby" features. I did one of Karissa's mom when she was three last Christmas, and it turned out pretty well, so I'm feeling confident. April saw some video stuff I shot while doing some drawings last summer, and she thought it was cool how I would record a few seconds of drawing, pause for a while, then record a few seconds more, all the while keeping the camera in the same place so you could see how it progressed. With that in mind, I'll be posting "progress" shots of my drawing as it gets completed. It won't be as cool as the video, but you'll look at them and you'll like them, or so help me I'll beat your asses!


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