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Saturday, February 27, 2010

HEY!...I'm In a Band...

At the beginning of the year, I was contacted by a bassist named Cody, interested in starting up a psychobilly group.  Over the next couple months, we e-mailed back and forth, and yesterday, we finally got together for a jam session.  I've been in contact with a couple other musicians, and they bail out before we even met, so it was starting to get a little frustrating to find people who wanted to play.  Given that, I was skeptical that this would pan out. 
It turned out much better than I expected.  As soon as I got there, he was asking about my guitar.  He was very happy to see me bringing out a Gretsch, then said "mine's over there".  I opened the case to find the very same sparkly-silver Electromatic that Karissa wanted me to buy when I was first shopping around!  The only reason I didn't buy it was because I didn't care for the color. 
While I was drooling over the guitar, he got out his bass.  I have no idea what brand it was, but it was big and black, and looked awesome.  We didn't waste alot of time getting down to their basement and getting started.  The basement is an old bare-finished basement--concrete floors, low ceilings (at least I can stand up straight without kerbonking my head), badly placed outlets, and a little colder than the rest of the house.  Being used to playing in conditions like these or worse, I found it perfect.  We tried out Police Truck by Dead Kennedys first.  I expected there to be a few false starts, but once I got through the intro, we kind of just took off on our own. We didn't sound great by professional standards, by given that we had just met in person 15 minutes before and hastily hooked up the amps, I'd say right out of the gate we kicked ass. 
Unfortunately, his drummer had class (and is also running for student-body president at UND) and couldn't be there, hopefully next time.  The potential singer also was absent due to scheduling conflicts which may affect his even getting to sing with us.  Those duties would then fall on me.  As much as I'd love to do vocals too, I have to say I was getting a little comfortable just playing.  Then again, once we got into Misfits territory and I knew te vocals, I was singing along to our jam session (sans microphone). 
Cody impressed me with how proficient he already was, having only started playing upright the previous month.  He had double-slaps down, was goofing around on scales and making shit up as he went along.  He learned Mifits songs quickly, and that helped us get used to each rhythmically & tonally in a huge way.   
I don't know when the next practice is just yet, but we seemed equally excited about building a pscyhobilly band out of this.  We'll see how things go with the drummer and singer before I say we are 100% a band, but this time I might just be holding my breath.


Blogger Mrs S said...

Well that sounds exciting for you. I hope it works out. :)

11:56 PM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

Thanks! I hope so too.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Ron Morrison said...

Good for you.. . hope it works into something.

9:55 PM  

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