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Friday, September 23, 2005

Ave Satanus...awww, the Hell With It

I was watching a show about the origins & myths of Hell on the History channel, and I was actually impressed. I know there isn't such a thing as a person without bias, but most of the concepts were discussed by theologians and religious scholars. It was after they briefly covered brainwashing & torture by Satanic cults that they started defining Satanism in its modern form. The kicker was that it was actually being defined by...Satanists! And the History channel people were actually smart enough to seek out the real ones--regular, personable characters who could maturely define what modern Satanism is, and why they perform Black Masses, and especially why they chose "Satan" as their icon.
It wasn't much I haven't already read over, but it's something most people don't really understand. It's mostly thought to involve idolatrous worship, sacrifice, violence, all that crap. Even my dad said LaVey actually made a lot of sense in what he said.
John Milton even pondered this concept, and made Satan out similar to a hero in Paradise Lost.


Blogger Mrs S said...

mmmmm that sounds really interesting. I'll watch for a replay what was it called?

12:11 AM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

I think it was just called "Hell"
...Or maybe "Origins of Hell" or something like that.
I read a book on Satanism in the High School library (isn't that an ironic choice of literature to find in a school with an overly Christian superintendent?). It was an eye-opener, and this History show had some of that same stuff from it.

11:29 AM  

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