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Saturday, August 27, 2011


"From childhood's hour, I have not been
As others we, I could not see
As others saw, I could not bring
My passions from a common spring..."
-Edgar Allan Poe, Alone
Okay so I don't like to quote others that much--I more often quote myself, that way there's less chance of misquoting.  But I always loved these lines from Poe's poem.  I suppose everyone likes to think they are different from everyone else in some way or unique.
I always tell myself (and others) that I'm awesome.  I realized that long ago, I may never have friends that think that of me, so I should start believing it myself.  That way, I wouldn't turn into one of those people that NEEDS others to think highly of them.  I got lucky in the sense that I actually do have friends who respect me and think I'm awesome.  But it became a comfortable mantra nonetheless, and to this day I fully believe it.
While working on Golden Brown, I realized I created these characters, these personalities, and could make them do what I wanted.  Not having control over much in life makes this realization so much appreciated, and I became their GOD--when I made a mistake in the comic's continuity, I blatantly fixed it in the next panel or two, exhibiting my power over my little ink and paper world. 
My friends know this pretty well by now, every now and then I replace God with Doug in playful megalomania.  I guess I figured it's not enough to have fun in life, but also I should be having fun with life.  Why not?  I don't need to own a house, or have a conventional family.  I abide by written laws (mostly), but I don't need to live by every little societal rule--but I can if I choose.  there are plenty of others out there who can live orderly lives with prescribed rituals, and that's fine.  I don't live in chaos.  I would simply love to live within my own order.


Anonymous Hyena Zine said...

I think it's interesting you see yourself as a god while creating your comics. For me, it's similar. I enjoy pushing things in a direction that would never happen in real life.

But at the same time, it's the opposite. The characters have a life of their own, and sometimes they do things I don't want them to do. My life is in my comics even if my life happens to suck in that moment in time. Sometimes I feel I have no control over them.

I love the quote by the way. Hehehe, not that you are worrying about living up to a standard, but I think you're pretty cool. It's so easy to judge others, but I've realized that most people, even the ones we think suck ass, are not so bad.

8:44 PM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

Thanks :) -I agree, even though I can make my characters do anything I want, they do take on their own personalities as the story evolves. At some point, you realize, "So-and-so wouldn't do/say that" and you have to really think about how your character has behaved in the past to shape their current and future existence.
I have had to kill off a character or two, and it really sucks. But I guess as the saying goes (paraphrasing) 'Doug giveth, and Doug taketh away'...

9:39 PM  

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