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Monday, July 14, 2008

Golden Brown Boobs, Family Fun, and a Little Illness on the Side...

Crap, I didn't give myself time last week to put up a post. Oh well. The good news is that everyone's dream is coming true, and breasts are FINALLY coming to Golden Brown. I've been waiting for the opportunity (however cheaply obtained) to draw boobs in Golden Brown since I started it over 2 years ago.
Last weekend we went up to DL. On Saturday, my sister asked if Isabella could stay with them. We obviously consented, and Isabella had a fun time. She made them go to Sully's Hill & Dairy Queen, and fell asleep watching Spongebob. While she was bossing my sister's family around, Karissa & I went to Derek's mom's place, where we grilled and ate right before a torrent of rain hit. Afterward I Derek, Ryan and I headed over to the motel. Derek tried out his semi-hollow bass again, and it didn't sound too bad except that it kept cutting out. I got to show him some stuff I'd been writing, though, and from what little I heard him play, I think he'll be okay handling those basslines.
I'm currently recovering from Doug-knows-what. Last night, I was feeling off, and as the morning wore on, I just started feeling worse. Long story short, I'm feeling much better, but I'm still trying to cure my dehydration. I'm a little sore, too, and I'd been laying down all day, so it sucks to think of dragging myself off the couch to take a shower.

What am I watching?

The Battle of Algiers- Algerians fight the French Foreign Legion for their independence throughout the 1950's-1960's. As the the FFL squash all their rebellions, the rebels resort to out-and-out terrorism, all of which results in the deaths of several civilians. The battle seems to become a personal one to the French Colonel and an Algerian street tough who becomes a rebel leader. Very dramatic scenes, even when done documentary style, especially the end. Oddly, it becomes relevant to our present-day situation in Iraq.

Zombies Gone Wild- Wow change of pace from the previous movie. Hormonal Spring Breakers clash with the undead. Don't get excited, there are not tits & ass in this movie, despite the title and the description, and the fact that the three loser geeky badly-acting protagonists are out to get laid. There were a couple honest efforts, but the movie is essentially just lost. LeRoy's father's constant switching of ethnicities was confusing--I could tell whether it was him goofing with different voices, or if he had Dissociative Identity Disorder. Who is the chick on the movie cover with the sword? I fucking don't know, I didn't see any chick with a sword. The zombie chicks were more like were-zombies--during the day they were normal slutty chicks, at night, they decomposed into zombie slutty chicks (still no tits & ass).

Class of Nuke'em High- High school gets "nuked" when radiation leaks the water supply. This is a very typical, but nonetheless very fun 1980's Troma flick--horror schlock, campy with terrible hair/clothing. They maybe didn't have the clearest understanding of how radiation works (that didn't stop Stan Lee), but the girl giving birth to the the little screaming tabpole was still pretty goddamned cool.

Pantera: 3 Vulgar Videos From Hell- I had seen bits & pieces, but sadly have never actually seen the dvd until Derek brought it up last weekend. Being the generous guy he is, he let me borrow this one plus three more, which will eventually show up here as well. I love seeing all the concert footage and all the little shinanigans the band and their crew get into while on tour. You can tell these guys loved everything they did while together. Dimebag further proves my point that the guitarist, not the guitar is what makes the sound great. Guitars can come with every kind of bell & whistle imaginable, but put a Green Day fan in front of it, you'll get non-remarkable music (no offense, but Green Day is ordinary). At the end of the first video, Dimebag throws a Dean over his shoulder hooked up to a tiny carry-along amp, and proceeds to play some shitty riff and singing about wanting some fucking money. The funny thing is that he still sounds awesome. 10% (at most) guitar, 90% (at least) guitarist.
Dimevision 1- First of hopefully many DVD's showing off more of Dime's personal life and adventures. Although the 'party' shots get a little old, there are some fun "wish I was there" moments, like squealing your tires until they pop and then destroying your front lawn with the rims. If I could afford to fix it, I would totally break stuff (this coming from a guy who loves antiques). Sadly, it is also a constant reminder that Dime's gone, and even though the antics might still go on, they're probably just not quite as fun without him.
Batman: Gotham Knight- Six known anime directors offer their take on the Dark Knight. This DVD was put out to bridge the gap between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight (what gap? No idea). The animation was incredible. I can't stand anime, but most of the animation here seemed westernized and was very intricately done. The only problem I had with it was that at times the directors tried to make the dialogue match the extravigance of the animation, which is another thing I hate about anime.


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