More Charcoal!

Right back to the kind of stuff I was doing a year ago. That's okay, though, because I need to get back to charcoals, and doing all these sketches, though sometimes boring and frustrating when my proportions don't come out right (i.e. her thick right arm), is actually a bit cathartic (emotionally, not physically).
I gotta say, though, I've spoiled myself over summer. I've been doing pretty good with the comic, considering I always have other shit on my back burner awaiting my attention. But once school started, I realized I didn't have my "school legs" yet. I had late assignments my first week, and it was an extended week! I'm trying to get myself back into a groove of doing things so I'm not always turning stuff in late.
So far, my classes are pretty interesting. Intermediate Figure Drawing is a lot of the same principles as the other figure drawing classes, just expanded. I miss shading, though, so I'm happy when we're asked to put in shadows & highlights.
Illustration is probably one of my harder classes, mainly because for some reason, it's hard to grasp exactly what I'm supposed to be doing from one assignment to the next. I'm getting more comfortable wth it, though.
Comics is fun. I figured it would be, but right off the bat we get to start doing comics work. Right now it's a lot of stick figures and working on physical expression of character, but down the road, we'll be able to abandon the stick figure comics and begin focusing on the drawing aspect.
I've got the next page of Golden Brown about half inked, so we'll see what kind of progress I make by Friday.
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