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Monday, January 22, 2007


Well, it is that time of year again. In the absolute deadest, most coldest month of the year, there is a shining beacon of hope that the world just isn't so bad. My birthday is coming up!
That's right, this year I'm turning a big-boy 2-7, and once again, it's time to celebrate with the usual libations and fertility rituals and whatnot.
Anyone interested is free to come celebrate. Karissa and I are going to Devils Lake--this way we have babysitters and Kevin and April also have babysitters for Aiden, plus my brother can make it out with us--Jas, you're buddies are obviously invited as well. The plan? I don't know, I just figured we'd hit a couple bars. The main thing is to just go out and have some fun with friends, let loose, something I think many of us really need right now.


Blogger Janelle said...

You have NOOO idea how good that sounds to me right now. I think the last time I was drunk with you, it was before the old trailer burnt down.

10:23 PM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

We won't get out of the house until about 9pm (Isabella's bedtime @ 8:30), it would be a safe bet to find us at Champion's if you can make it.

5:13 AM  
Blogger Janelle said...

Name the day, boy. You never gave us a date that you are doing this and I don't really know when your birthday really is.

5:25 PM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

You know, you're right. I forgot in my post to include the date. My B-Day is Saturday, so we'll go out that night.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Jory said...

Jesus christ Doug, you and I are old son's of bitches. 27 is the big number for me this year too. Happy birthday and such. Drink some for me (like I need it) and for godsakes start a fight just for shits and giggles.

12:24 AM  

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