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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year, Same Old Shit

This has been my third year doing the night shift of New Year's Eve. I actually requested to do it. I know it's not a big deal to anyone else, but I'm the only one besides Becky who knows how to do it, and I don't want to have to teach it to anyone. Also, although it's normally pretty dead, this year New Year's Eve happened to fall on a Sunday, meaning no bar crowd, meaning everyone got their booze earlier and had to figure out a place other than bars to go drink--like a motel.

I came in at 10pm, just to double staff until my regular shift started. Around 11pm, someone had dropped a bottle in the pool area right beside th pool. No, they weren't supposed to have it there. Worse yet, it was a clear wine cooler bottle (as opposed to a typical darker beer bottle), so when we realized some of the shards had gotten into the pool, we had to shut it down (it was time anyway, but we couldn't open it up again in the morning because of this). Two young guys stepped on it getting out and cut their heels (they're fine). Also, two boys about 12 years old a piece kept talking to me and the evening guy. They wouldn't shut up, and they were weird. Not me weird, but annoying weird.

About 4:30am, I got a complaint about a fight going on in the next room. I didn't get to hear the why's, but a girl wanted a guy to leave, and he protested. He finally did leave, but then came back asking if I could come with him to the room to help get his credit card. I accompanied him, but I didn't do anything but watch him argue quietly with her (he wanted his credit card from the room, she wanted her cellphone from his car). So the guy goes back to his car, goes back upstairs without me this time, and comes back down, asking me to hlp him get into his room again (she had deadbolted it, and kept hanging up on his calls). It might help at this point to mention that the reason I was helping him so much was because the room was in his name and piad for by him. Basically he just wanted back into his own room. Eventually, while I was trying to get breakfast done, he asked if he could just get another room. I offered to talk to her or call the police if necessary, but he said she would just leave then, and he'd rather have her stay here.
After I got back to work tonight, I was told he had asked if he still had to check out by 11am since he didn't get in until 5:30 am. Sorry dude, we didn't cause you to leave your room have your girlfriend lock you out.

The night actually went about how I expected it to. Having to deal a little with drunks, stupid kids, and a little domestic to spice things up. I needed a little pick-me-up anyway.

I already read my graphic novels. I go through those like normal people go through books (it's hard for me to keep my focus and as a result I read lines or sentences over and over and it slows me down). One I got is called "A Contract With God" by Will Eisner. It's the first graphic novel ever officially published, and despite the slightly campy quality of his art, he does a hell of a job giving you some gritty stories.
The other one is Promethea by Alan Moore, J.H.Williams III, and Mick Gray. If you don't know who Alan Moore is yet, think of Rob Zombie, only living in England. Then think of the movies From Hell, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and V For Vendetta. I haven't seen V yet, but the other two, compared to the books, suck. The movie industry has a nasty habit of taking Moore's books and butchering the hell out of them. He knows it, too.
Anyway, I have Barne's & Noble gift cards, so you're going to be hearing more about my comics soon enough.
Happy New Year!


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