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Monday, February 14, 2005

By the way, some anthropologists believe that biologically, race does not exist. I totally buy into that, but I do realize that different body types are basically built to withstand certain environments (barrel-chested, short-armed, robust body-types are made for colder climates, while taller, long-armed types usually adjust well to warmer, more tropical climates). I also realize that one's melanin content can affect the body physically via UV radiation.
Forgot to add that to the last one.


Blogger April said...

our idea of what race is... the definition... is skin color right? I mean we all know that more plays into it, but when they do forensic testing on blood, they can determain the race so... doesn't that make it deeper than skin color? So isn't that a biological? Of course that is obvious, so I know I'm not making some new observation, but would honestly like to know the answer.

what is the definition of race... and is that a term that is used more by us lamen folk than scientists that study this kind of stuff????

10:12 PM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

When they do forensic testing on blood they are trying to find DNA or blood type--but when looking at skeletal material they will look at things like the osteometric features of the skull to determine ethnic identification. Our definition of race is usually based on color and geographic origin.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Karissa (mommy) said...

What exactly do mean that race does not exist? To me race is the color of your skin, so black people, white people, etc. are all a different race to me. I guess I always thought that it depended on where the people are from that determined the color of their skin. Like how Africans have dark skin because its so hot in Africa. The pigment in their skin is really dark so they didn't burn, that's how they adapted to their environment. Just like how Norwegians, for example, are really white because it's cold and they don't need dark pigment to keep them from burning. I do get confused sometimes because I think of Germany. Isn't Germany cold too? Maybe not, I don't know. I just know that lots of them have dark sking and hair so why would that be? Maybe I'm mistaken.

12:41 AM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

The belief is that race does not exist biologically. Culturally, it undeniably exists. The skin color is a result of UV radiation, but that also aids them in adapting them to their environment. I also mentioned that race has geographic determinants, too, but I had to make sure to say usually, because there are circumstances in which we do not racially separate different cultures (White Europeans are typically not considered different from white North Americans, though a native Americans tend to separate each other based on tribal affiliations).
Plus, like I mentioned before, how well you'll adapt to an environment also depends on your body type.

9:38 AM  
Blogger April said...

When they test for blood, they test for type, but they can also tell if the blood came from and African American. Doesn't that mean that Race is biological... never mind.. I get it now... That isn't geographical or the exact shade of their skin... never mind... I don't belong in the conversation.... :)

7:17 PM  
Blogger April said...

I don't belong in this converstaion because I am NOT a big giant NERD!

7:19 PM  
Blogger Josie, group organizer said...

If you took an African American under this theory and say kept them in ND breeding (is that even a correct term for humans?) with other African Americans in ND and they stayed in the same UV lighting would they eventually after so many generations have lighter pigment and look more "white".

10:42 PM  
Blogger Karissa (mommy) said...


10:59 PM  
Blogger Janelle said...

holy shit this thing is getting deep....but it's great reading.

9:16 AM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

According to evolutionary theory (and some kind of solar scientific theory or law, I imagine), their skin, over a long period of time (I'm talking like thousands of years)would turn lighter and their body type might change. Or they'd adapt poorly and die out. It happened to the Neanderthals.

1:26 AM  

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