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Friday, February 04, 2005

Harassement on the Job

I got propositioned tonight. This old Native American dude and his wife came in from East Grand and got a room. Both were already half in the bag when they checked in, but the lady kept calling me and asking me stupid questions and for phone numbers to different places around town. While I was trying to deal with her, she would call me a sexy little "ting" and ask if I wanted to do it in the laundry room, and if I've ever done it in the laundry room. If it was someone attractive, or at least someone my own age, or if she wasn't so damned persistent, I would have at least been flattered, but this was more like when old guys hit on chicks. This lady was a fucking grandmother. Nasty. Just nasty. By the way, girls, don't give me that "now you know how it feels to get hit on by someone gross" speech, because this isn't the first time this has happened. If only you could see how close I am to wretching...Anyway, in my senior seminar next week, we get to jump all over the topic of whether not males are inherently violent, or if violence is culturally learned. I haven't read about it yet, but this one sounds fun. Last week we wound up talking for half the class about whether Neandertals interbred with modern humans. I was surprised to hear like eight different opinions from eleven students. I came in thinking yes, they more than likely did, but left the discussion thinking they probably did not. I don't remeber why, though. Unfortunately, my memory sometimes hits a pothole, and I, um...nevermind.


Blogger Janelle said...

Oh God!! That's sooooo funny! A Native American Grandmother. I know it's not that funny to you, but give it a week and it will be. I would have given you a hundred bucks if you would have said "HOW Pochahontis me no like 'em." ......oh God does my side hurt.

10:46 AM  
Blogger April said...

hahahahahha! Gross, all old and horny. Hey, maybe you should have gone for it, maybe you missed out on the best love'n any body can handle!

10:51 PM  
Blogger BoneDaddy said...

Actually, it was more funny after the shift. I was getting annoyed mostly because she kept calling and I had better things to do than deal with an old pervert who became slower and slower to respond as she got more drunk.

11:20 PM  

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