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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Anthro Logo

I was chatting with the Anthro Club president last week (yeah, I said "chatting"), and he mentioned that we still need a logo for the club, as well as our Global Visions film series. The logo would be used for letterheads & t-shirts and such. Not much, but still I get to draw stuff. So I was able to get something together to start with for the logo, it's a little heady (no pun intended) with the symbolism, but I think it works for trying to fit in the branches of Anthropology.
I did 2 of basically the same thing, but with a variation. Both consist of a modern human skull looking left, or inward, suggesting our search for knowledge about who we are and where we come from. The skull on the right is supposed to be Sahelanthropus tchadensis, currently the oldest known hominid (6-7 million years ago, same scientific family as humans), looking right, or outward, suggesting our ancestors looking ahead to the future and moving forward. The beauty of the right skull is that it can be changed if any new discoveries are made.
The bones under them are in fact a relation to the skull and crossbones one might see on a pirate flag, in case any of you were wondering. Actually, it comes from a Maya symbol recognizing the cycle of life and death and honoring it, and it is a skull with crossed bones. The skulls represent biological Anthropology and human evolution. The crossed bones are humerii, and represent the archeological aspect in their symbolism, and forensic science and Osteology in their identification as specific bones.
The globes were hard. They are supposed to represent Cultural Anthropology, and bring the whole logo together with the concept of Unity and the holistic nature of Anthropology. I also pushed all the continents together into a hasty version of Pangea. One variation shows all the land masses blackened out (good color filler), and one shows the land masses drawn as chipped stone tools (hand axes, arrowheads, does that sound more familiar?)--also representing Archeology. So there it is, jam packed with meaning, and I have to write a fucking book just to explain it all!


Blogger Josie, group organizer said...

How about little cartoon bubbles so each skull can express their meaning. Lol I'm kidding. But seriously I wouldn't worry too much about explaining it. Most people should be able to derive a meaning from it.Then again if we look at the pattern of dumb people and how they come in groups....maybe the bubbles weren't such a bad idea...

1:59 AM  

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