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Monday, March 05, 2007

Art, Music, and Moving Large Things...

We didn't think we were going to make it to Devils Lake this weekend, but luckily the weather wasn't quite as bad as the weather gods made it out to be. There were some nasty spots, but it wasn't a problem so long as you slowed down every now and then.
We got Butto's stuff moved out finally--only a week late, not bad given the weather problems. He told me Dane Garcia, an old classmate of mine, committed suicide a little over a week ago. That was weird, too, because I was just wondering about that time what he was doing now. I hadn't talked to him in years. In high school we weren't best buds or anything, but we got a long pretty well, though we made fun of eachother quite a bit. It's still kind of weird to think he killed himself.
Kevin would have come with, but they found out Aiden had RSV--refer to April's blog for details. I'm pretty sure he got it from Isabella, but as catchy as it is, I guess that would have been inevitable. Hopefully he's doing better now.
I'm feeling a little stressed about having to do a painting assignment with clear glass. It might not be too bad, but the actual starting part gets me anxious every time, and this time the glass part just adds to the stress. I know the basics about distorting the image seen through the back accordingly, less is more on the edges & highlights, that kind of thing, but I lost a little confidence with that coffee cup/book fiasco. I did get my concept art done for my Digital Imaging class--the pencil stage of it anyway. This week we have to do it up on the computer. I'll post the drawing a little later.
We've got kind of a busy month ahead of us. Well, not so much busy as every weekend being themed by an event. Next weekend is a bg movie weekend. Fank Miller's 300 comes out, and I'm going to it, come hell or high water (that would actually be funny if I were still living in Devils Lake). Plus, that night, Rob Zombie's TCM Underground is back after a month break (stupid Oscars).
The weekend after, my uncle Mark is doing a Shuffle Cats reunion concert at Playmakers in Fargo. My sister said it's gonna be his last for a while because he's basically under new management. I think that means he's getting to do some recording again, which would be awesome. Tickets are available at the front door for anyone interested.
The next two weekends are actually free, but Karissa and I were thinking of getting up to Grafton to visit my Grandma on one of those weekends. Finally, on Easter weekend, we go back to Devils Lake, where Isabella might get to go on an egg hunt my sister puts on at her house.
April 10th, nobody bother me. I'm making a pilgrimage to Minneapolis to see one of the few bands I never thought I'd be able to see: Type O Negative! I'm riding Jas like a pack mule to get his ticket, some other friends are on board as well. When I told Butto about he practically had sex with me. That means he really wants to go.
I think that's about all the news I got right now. Besides, I had to get up at noon to play parent for an hour til Isabella's nap. Karissa had to go watch Aiden for a bit so April could get some sleep. She and Kevin had been up like the whole weekend with this whole RSV thing, they need a little break.


Blogger lunacypoppa said...

I'm working on it.

2:20 PM  

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