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Monday, January 16, 2006

Naughty Tinkerbells...

I finally got my old faery pics scanned! Yes, I spelled it faery, just like I spell it magick, so make you jokes and shaddap!
Karissa asked me years ago (2002) if I would do some faery pics for her living room, because she wanted a "naked faery" theme. For some reason, this is not nearly as weird as if I'd wanted something like a "naked fireman" theme, but I either way, I wasn't gonna complain.
Pandora was the first I ever drew. After that came Isabelle, Camille, Lily and Marguerite. I managed to complete everything but the scenic background of a large faery pic, but I stopped Winter 2002, and never really got back to it. Someday, I'll have to finally finish it. I wouldn't even let Karissa look at it for a year.
These were all done when I was still drawing with mechanical graphite pencils, pre-charcoal, so they look a little lighter than my new stuff. I found my other pictures that were packed away, so when I get the ambition, they'll be up, too.

Not a lot has happened to me since last post, and everyrthing interesting has already been covered. Kevin and April got a house for rent, it looks awesome, I played tour guide for Josie & Amadon while they were looking for a place in GF. They found an apartment, but eventually decided against it, and it sounds like they might be getting one in Legacy. Janelle had her baby, which really has nothing to do with me, but is still a huge event and bears some honorable mention. Go Janelle! Birth the hell out of that hospital!
My birthday is in 11 days. Mark your calendars, and come to my party dammit!! Call your bosses, tell them you can't work Friday night...or Saturday morning. Go on!


Blogger April said...

"Birth the hell our of that hospital" HILARIOUS!

I love your fAIRIES! Even though none of them resemble me... why did I even pose nude for you... they don't look anything like me! JOKING PEOPLE.. no nude posing going on for this gal.

11:42 PM  

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