Cancer At the Pit Stop

This is an Editorial illustration. According to various news stories, night shift workers like myself are at higher risk for cancer than regular day people. According to these stories, my circadian rhythm is off, and my production of melatonin is fucked up...or something.
Anyway, read the illustration to get the point.
So graveyard shift is not just a clever name. I did not know that. Its a really cool picture, I had to blow it up to see the death cloud in the back ground.
That's scary... I'm nocturnal too. I'd prefer to not get cancer.
Nice painting, I like the dramatic perspective and simple color.
I heard that too, and I thought of you. I hope you don't get cancer.
It took me a second to see the death sky too, very nice.
The clerk almost looks like you
I don't look like that guy! He's gaunt and has no hair from the chemo.
My instructor didn't seem to agree with you guys, she thought it looked unfinished. I can see that, but oh well.
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