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Friday, December 14, 2007

Who Is Awesome?

This guy!

I'll have my editorial illustration done for class soon, I'll post it then. I'm still working like a bitch on my comic stuff, just be patient. Another page of Red Riding Hood will be up by about 9AM this morning (I just finished it a few hours ago).

What have I been watching? Let 'er rip:
-Mad Cowgirl-- No idea where this movie was made, there's quite a few Asians, but it's primarily an American movie. A beef inspector sleeps around a lot and thinks she has Mad Cow disease. She obsessively watches Kung Fu movies and progressively becomes unhinged. The men in her life obsess over her, and put pressure on her to be with them. She freaks out, kills a bunch of guys, and we are left no less confused than when the movie started.
-Attack of the Crab Monsters --I caught this as part of TCM Underground's lineup last Friday. Scientists find themselves stranded on an island with intelligent killer crabs which are hard to kill (and evn hardr to sautee). It wasn't half bad, and the gore factor for being a lat 1950's movie was actually pretty decent.
-The Killer Shrews-- No, it's not about a bunch of angry republican women, it's about oversized rodents (actually dogs with masks) who want to eat people. It wasn't that great. The bunch of oil drums they welded together to get away were kind of cool.
-Green Slime-- This one might be for you, Jas. It's about a group of scientists going into space to destroy a meteor headed for earth. They bring back some slime, and everything goes to shit quickly as slime monsters overrun the place. This movie has it's own theme song. Yeah, that's right. It's very own Charlie Fox theme song. The effects are horrible, and the scenery in th opening 5 minutes makes me nostalgic for Mystery Science Theater 3000.
-Dracula (The Dirty Old Man)-- Oh shalom, a Jewish Dracula! At least, that's the impression one gets from listening to this guy talk. Same with the wolf guy he calls JackalMan. This movie is on a whole other level of horrible. There isn't much of a plot, listening to the dialogue between Dracula & Jackalman is like watching a Hebrew Popeye cartoon. And yet, the movie is funny as all getout. For the first half of the movie, I thought someone had taken a movie and overdubbed their own voices over it as a joke, like in Enter the Fist. But no, this is essentially the way it was supposed to be. Oh, and there's tons of 1960's-all-natural-real-titties-big-hips-nudity. As Fred Fredburger eloquently put it, Yes.
-Guess What Happened to Count Dracula?-- Dracula's son and a bunch of othe ghouls open up a night club and prey on girls. Whoop de shit. No nudity, boring dialogue, and Dracula looks like a young yuppie douchebag with a face I hate. This was the second in a double feature (the first was Dirty Old Man).
-Sex and the Single Vampire-- This was a featurette on the previously mentioned DVD. This is only worth mentioning because it was basically a porno starring noneother than the legendery John Holmes. This is actually one of his earlier movies! A group of groovy swingers make themselves at home in an old house belonging to an "uncle". The uncle turns out to be Count Spatula (Holmes), who ends up kidnapping all the men and tying them up in the basement. He then gets out his big dick and fucks all the women. Well, they fuck him, he kind of just lies there and enjoys it. Afterwards, he oversleeps and turns into a skeleton. Even in death, he is amazed by the awesome night.
That's it. That's all I got right now. One last thing, though. Last night, Isabella was telling me to go to 'time out'. I threw myself on the floor in my best imitation of a tantrum. She walked up to me in her goofy underwear and sweater, holding a glass of eggnog in her hand. Looking down at me, she shook her head and said "You're such a dork."
I guess now I know how she feels.


Blogger lunacypoppa said...

Burned by your own daughter, oh how the mighty have fallen. As always the comics are cool and give me something to do at work. Have you found "Desperate Souls" yet? Did you send those pics to your buddy Bill?

3:33 PM  

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