Valentine's Dinner, and Movie's Loser & Winner

I thought up this Valentine at around 7AM yesterday morning. Karissa thought it was pretty funny, too.
I'm having some issues prioritizing schoolwork over the comic, so I don't really have any homework to show you guys. That being said, a new page of the comic is currently up at BoneDaddy Comics.
We got a new van! Well, it's 2002, new to us, at least. It's a Ford Windstar, and we love it. It's the first vehicle Karissa and I actually bought ourselves. I'll post a picture later.
We went to Whitey's last night to do the Valentine's thing with Isabella. Despite there being other families there, they didn't have any kind of kid's menu, so that was interesting. The food could have been a little better, too.
What am I watching?
Well, I only have 2 movies this time. Why? Pick an excuse: My Netflix has been slow lately (presumably due to everyone ordering movies so they could stay in from the cold weather), TCM has suspended Underground to do its "31 Days of Oscar" crap (there's still good movies, but they're salted in with the crappy ones), and HBO has had nothing but movies I've already seen and talked about. It's this goddamned leap year, I think. Anyway, here goes:
Werewolf: The Devil's Hound-You can tell from the first few minutes of annoying shaky-camera that this movie sucks. After the camera evens out, the acting goes to hell. One thing that really annoys me is the old introduce characters line. For example, in this movie, a guy who is obviously an owner of a business says over the phone to an employee, "Look [girl's name], I know you're my daughter in law, but if that crate doesn't show up by..." That is fucking annoying. Karissa doesn't go around saying, "Look Doug, I know you're my boyfriend, but if you don't pick up those crumbs you dribbled out..." If she did, I think I would honestly hit her. I would. I'd commit spousal abuse all over her face. Anyway, this guy owns a pyrotechnics business, a crate of werewolf gets devlivered by mistake (wtf??). The werewolf is female, somehow 'nips' the son of the owner (whose wife is the aforementioned daughter in law). The son becomes wolfish, and is caught dancing with the she-wolf (in human form) at a club by (aforementioned wife). That's where I shut it off. Not because it was horribly bad. That I could handle. It was BORING and I just couldn't get into it. With all the bad acting and the switching to scenes that go off on tangents not conducive to plot, I just got bored. Sorry.
Freaked-I had heard of this movie, but how I've gone 15 years without seeing it is crazy. This movie is fucking funny. It was made by guys who were behind The Idiot Box, Saul of the Mole Men, The Andy Milankis Show, and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, just to name a few. Ricky Koogan (Alex Winter who play Bill in the aforementioned movie) is a move star asshole who sells his name to EES (Everything Except Shoes) Corporation to go to South Africa and defend its experimentation with Zygrot 24, a highly toxic chemical. Ricky and a friend find only protesters at an airport and end up with one of them, roadtripping. They take a detour to see a freakshow only to end up as headlining attractions. The tagline is "A thinking man's stupid comedy", so you'd swear this is a movie I made. Keanu Reeves makes an appearance as Ortiz the Dog Boy, Bobcat Goldthwait is Sockhead, Mr. T is the Bearded Lady, and Randy Quaid is the Ringmaster Elijah Scuggs who made the freaks what they are and keeps them locked up in a surprisingly roomy outhouse. Randy Quaid is a skilled actor, and even though somewhat typecast as a drunken redneck, he manages to put his own style into it every time to make a different but extremely memorable drunken redneck. Watch it. If you don't laugh, you're a TERRORIST.
I like this Valentine! I would totally blow whoever gave it to me?!?!
Love the valentine!
Yes! I may have to make copies for my man friends...
hahaha....great valentine! I would buy it for myself!
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