My Kind of Action Movie!

I had to throw that image in, because we got back a little bit ago from the theater, where we watched 300. I don't want to get into specifics, but it's basically based on Farnk Miller's take on the historical battle at Thermopylae between the Massive Persian army of Xerxes, and the few hundred (it's never exactly 300, despite the title) highly trained Spartan warriors. It's a fucking good movie. I love the fact that this is a straight-up action movie, but not the kind that caters to stupid people. Sorry, I shouldn't say stupid, but this isn't Steven Seagall, Van Damme, or Jackie Chan (that's right, I think Jackie Chan movies are shallow and their popularity derives solely from his self-executed stunts which are quite frankly getting old).
One major point I would like to make. I shouldn't have to, but I read it in USA Today and a couple of magazines, now, and it needs to be re-addressed. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT start comparing this with current events going on between the U.S. and middle East. I don't know how one reviewer started comparing this to the U.S. war on "terror", but the two are NOTHING alike. The Spartans were fighting for their own freedom. The U.S. is fighting for the freedom of...of, uhhhh...Iraq, no, most of those people don't even want to leave their own homes...well, hell, that word comes up a lot, you'd think I could affix it to a country. Their culture was entirely different from modern-day U.S. culture, and there is nothing really to relate them to us culturally except whatever known artifacts kept in use today. Leonidas is not George W. Bush, just because both leaders made decisions against the wishes of their political counterparts.
Our war is what it is, and the story 300 is based on is what it is. The two are entirely different, and I don't know where the reviewers got the insane idea that the movie bears "striking similarities." It DOESN'T.
Anyway, I didn't mean to go off on such a long tangent, but it was an awesome movie. And this is coming from a critic of overly CGI movies, not to mention I get nervous anytime a comic book movie comes out, because there are quite a few that suck ass (Like Fantastic Four!). If I didn't want so badly to do it myself, I'd love to see Frank Miller take on a historical Dracula novel.
That's about it for tonight. If you didn't already look, I got a new page of Golden Brown out. I was extremely proud of my Fried Rich Nietschicken joke from the last one, I may keep that bucket around and put it somewhere else in the comic. It's probably the one gag I'll remember out of the entire comic once it's done. Chicken, all too Chicken.
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