I Would Like My Head Returned to Me, Please!

Here is my line drawing for Perspective. Next Assignment will be to find the best way to shade it and make a fully shaded in piece. This was done from a photo of the old Grand Forks Herald Printing building, a night or two after it caught fire during the '97 flood.
I was very disappointed to look out my back window saturday to see the head from my witch missing. Some little bastard stole it while I was at work. Nothing else, just the decayed witch head, the one thing I worked on with enthusiasm and was very proud of.
I thought I was getting over my cold, but Sunday night, it elevated again, and I think I got another little fever. I felt better after some Dayquil and a night's worth of orange juice at work. I'm feeling better all around today, but I still have a cough, and I'm worried I'll lose my voice. It's not really bad since I work nights, but I do still have interaction with people & answer phones in the mornings, so we'll see how I do.
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