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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I got some comments on my second blog, so that's a god start. I even got a criticism. Looney Larry from said, "Could be the worst attempt of humor I have ever witnessed!" Like I said, it never stopped professionals. Besides, it's mostly deadpan humor. It can be an acquired taste.
Sorry, Kevin, I'm not going to put the next comic up tonight, thanks to Karissa. I've decided to put it up Friday night at the soonest, so you'll just have to wait and see what happens to the character who seems to coincidentally resemble you.
I was a little worried that Kevin would take my good intentions and apparently terrible humor the wrong way and be offended. I know him better than that, but when you put something on a public forum, you sometimes end up overthinking it. Luckily, reactions from him and April have been more than favorable, so the comic stays! But I make no promises on the quality. My humor is mine alone, and I can't just make myself more funny. I can't make myself less funny, either, for that matter. So for those of you who couldn't go to sleep because you were laughing so hard, I'm sorry, you'll just have to deal. And Looney Larry, this is not by far the worst attempt I could and/or will make.


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