Derek in Ink, and I'm Talking About Concerts, MAN!

This is Derek, playing himself a badass upright. I think the hammer soundholes are a good touch, perosnally. This is an assignment for Illustration on portraying a person and their passion. He doesn't have an upright bass, but he wants one and hopefully will get (or make) one soon enough. He likes cars, none of which you see in here except for on the poster, and he likes pinups. The chick in the poster isn't necessarily the kind of pinup he likes, but she'll do for now. I did try to give her Betty Page bangs.
I have a new page up on the BoneDaddy blog, but it confused Karissa, so it might confuse you, too. Any questions, just ask (on that blog, dummy).
Somehow, but for the grace of Doug we got a room in St. Cloud for 11/3. We're going to Hellyeah, and it's gonna be awesome. Granted, I would have loved to see Dimebag on stage playing, but seeing Vinnie Paul will do just fine for me. Otep, Bloodsimple, and Zetus Deamos are opening for them. I haven't heard much of Zetus Deamos, but Otep and Bloodsimple are cool (most of you who read this won't like them). Otep is fronted by a blonde chick who can hold her own among her male couterparts in metal.
The Ozzy concert is coming up before that concert, and that's gonna be awesome too. I feel kind of bad that I'm not that excited about the Ozzy part. To be honest, although his new stuff is cool, it's starting to sound the same. Not that he can't create new shit, but I think he relies on more formulaic songs. I am excited for Rob Zombie, at least. There's another band opening before both of them called "In This Moment" They're pretty cool, and they're also fronted by a pretty blonde who can scream.
ROB ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great drawing, I like your line quality, and the composition too. Very imaginative. Think you'll paint it?
Naw, I'll just leave this one. Although, I did forget the tattoos on his arm, so I will have to fix that.
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