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Friday, October 07, 2005


I just did my first security walk of the night about half an hour ago. Usually, I'll check the side entrance to make sure it's locked, go upstairs and down the hall, coming into the pool area from the second floor landing. After checking the pool entrance, I'll meander down the back wing to check the far entrance before quickly inspecting the Exercise room & making my way back to the front. When I got to the back wing, I opened the door, and was blasted with a potent scent of body odor. Not dead skin & sweat, but that acrid, "didn't shower for three days", "hi, my name is Brueckner" body odor.
Now, I know what you guys are thinking. 'Doug, you're such a stud and you're so smart. But are you sure it was body odor? Someone could have brought onions into their room. Maybe someone got the blooming onion from Applebee's and let the leftovers sit for too long in their room?
No. This was body odor. And it wasn't just by a room. It was the ENTIRE hallway. By the time I made it out of the wing, I was really grossed out. I had to dispose of a dead rabbit after a three day vigilance in a warm garage. Given that, I could probably stand the smell of dead things. But smells of the living who obviously have put in a couple days hard labor without the luxury of a tubby has successfully grossed me out. And now I have to create an attack plan in which I stealthly move in with an entire bottle of Odo-ban and hope to anything I consider holy that it neutralizes the smell. Wish me luck that the smell doesn't imprint itself onto me and I accidentally kill Karissa and Is.


Blogger Janelle said...

eeewww. You better grab a couple of cans of Odo-Ban and find something for yourself. Take an extra change of cloths to burn the ones you are wearing after you are done. If it's in your cloths, I hope it doesn't explode when you burn them otherwise all attemps to protect your family will be shot.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Karissa (mommy) said...

lol. I can't smell you though. The brueckner thing made me laugh. Too funny...

11:50 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

lolol, ewwww!

12:05 PM  
Blogger April said...


you're so clever with the English language Doug, you have a way with making simple stories really really funny and interesting, I almost could smell the BO from here... but I didn't so I feel really bad for you

11:30 PM  

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